meet mr incredibles's family;
- mr incredibles
- mrs incredibles a.k.a elastigirl
- and the kids: violet, dash and jack jack the baby
the bad boy : syndrome
the loyal friend: frozone
and (this my favorite) the crazy designer : Edna Mode..I can't stop say "Heyyyyy Darlinggggggg" all the time ...... hehehehehe
but this is the best movie from pixar studio, it's very entertaining, great animations, full of actions ..make you want to watch it over and over again..The story is little bit similar like Spy Kids, but in here, mr incredible is forced to leave his "superhero" life after he lost in law suit battle..but once you are super hero you can't stop save people and definetely don't match with insurance company environment :)
surprising me that Syndrome voice is Jason Lee's voice..He is the cute guy who played with Julia Stiles in A Guy Thing..not bad for a guy who always play a sweet character !!! and he also an ex - pro skater..whoaa..what a guy !!!
and I also feel like there is a 60's -70's influences , although i found a similar scene with Spiderman 2 juga sih..Hmmmm..are they gonna meke The Incredibles 2 ??? Hope soooo....
Official site: http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/incredibles/
PS: Tips..avoid to watch in Ci-Tos, especially the night show..you can hear the Score's band play their music in your theater..pusing kan..i dunno how it happened ..but it's absolutely suck !!!