the girl guide of hunting & fishing
by melissa banksynopsis:The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing explores the life lessons of Jane, the contemporary American Every woman who combines the charm of Bridget Jones, the vulnerability of Ally McBeal, and the wit of Lorrie Moore. A smart, ruefully funny chronicle of a modern young womans search for love. Thanks to book is a collection of short stories of Jane Rosenal, from 14 years old until she hit adult life. The stories of how to find love, deal with your boyfriend and your ex boyfriend and his ex girlfriends, family, friends, basically the story of our life. It's not as light as Bridget Jones Diary, but its still entertaining for me.
Bride and PrejudiceDirected By: Gurinder ChadhaStarring:- Aishwarya Rai - Lalita- Martin Henderson - Mark DarcySynopsis:Bride and Prejudice" puts an entirely different spin on Jane Austen's story of spirited courtship - Bollywood-style. Music, dance and spectacle merge with love, vanity and social pressures, as director Gurinder Chadha transports the comic tale of a witty young woman trying to find a suitable husband to a cross-cultural setting that spans 21st century India, London and America. It all begins in a modest Indian village when the determined Mrs. Bakshi sets out to find marriage matches for her four beautiful daughters while there's a lavish wedding party in town. Right away, the smart and headstrong Lalita (Rai) announces she will only marry for love, giving her mother nightmares. Then Lalita meets the wealthy American Will Darcy (Henderson) and sparks immediately fly. But is it love or hate? Darcy comes off to Lalita as an arrogant California snob. Lalita looks to Darcy like a small-town Indian beauty who knows nothing of the world. Alternately enchanted by and suspicious of one another, Lalita and Darcy nearly fall prey to assumptions, gossip and a comedy of errors... until pride is humbled and prejudice overcome so that love can triumphThanks to comments:At first, I really looking forward for this movie. I luv the previous movie from the director "bend It Like beckham". I familiar with the leading lady movies before, aiswahrya is very famous in her country. I definitely love Jane Austen, and above all I think I am in love with Mark Darcy hehehehehe...But, after i saw it, i am just little bit dissapointed..Well, I mean the set is gorgeous with many colour and sound but i saw it also in recent indian movie played by sakhrun khan :) , a lot of singing and dancing like typical indian movie, the comedi is basi for me and there is no chemistry in both of the star or maybe i just expect so much from this movie
i love februarywell well well, this has been a very busy and hectic february for me..Agggghhh, almost every night i came home around 10pm and i still have work trips on saturday, well ngga salah dong my mom even said that someday i will turn up marry my job :>it began with a direct order from my lovely and gorgeous boss that "we will take what it takes to win this pitch" translate with hour by hour reserch through internet, offices files and everybody files and make everybody mad and crazy and make me crazy too and yesss i still have the regular projects, clients and everybody never stop chasing me and chasing me .. isn't life is so beautiful????memorables experiences:- took flight to Bandung with Deraya airlines. It took only 25 minutes (same with my home - Halim Airport), but I swear is the longest 25 minutes in my life. First, I hate fly !! Second, I hate fly with small plane with a body like kotak sabun and I can see the pilot from my seat !!! And I had it two weeks in a row !!!! my second trip, it was dark and almost rain, little turbulances and the seat belt lamp was on all the way, all I can remember was "Bapa Kami" spinned in my head a thousand times :)idol junkiei luv this session of american idol - and of course Ruben & Clay session - i addicted to it hehehehe. I don't have a favorite one, but what i like in this session is now idol have a rock type contestants like Bo Bice and Constantine (you rock, baby !!) so it become more interesting and attractive. They are really really can sing. I know its not fair to compare with AFi or Indo Idol, but at least they can learn something from the show.. The execution and also how to make it not too dramatise -- ngga perlu pakai pakai kopor lagi kan juga sudah sedih bo kalau ada yang dieliminasi---My fav judge is Simon, he is fair and really know the music business, the demand and can 'smell' the star quality in youbest surprisei might be go to watch sepang formula 1. yesssss!!!!!! finally...but its not final yet, have to arrange my office schedule first...second best surprisegot an IPAQ 1910 from office's drawing. i never lucky in any drawing, any of it until now!!! and i got an IPAQ for God sake not a magic jar or voucher or dispenser.....aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhon my mp3- My Chemical Romance: "I am not Okay"- Simple Plan " "Shut Up"- Jet: "Look What You've Done"- Snoop Dog & Pharell : "Drop it like it hot"- 50 cents: "Disco Inferno"