· Jeong Ja-Yeong - Dong Chi-seong
· Lee Na-Young - Han Yi-yeonDirected by Jang Jin
Lee Na-young slips back into her ordinary look girl role, while Jeong Jae-young takes on his latest challenge as actor portraying the baseball player who falls in love with her. Telling his down to earth romance with some good drops of humor to balance parts that at times are endangered to shift into sentimental over-drive, director Jang Jin (Guns & Talks) offers the viewers a seldom seen cinematic surprise. courtesy of
I didn't except too much from this movie at the first time. I thought it just another cheezy romantic comedy from Korea. But when I saw it - surprise surprise - it's very enjoyable, simple and sweet movie about ordinary people who tried to find the meaning of love. The male lead actor is not a typical cute or geourges as others korean movies. But I think it's very suitable & perfect for his role with his modest expression And the director played naughty with his "movie scene" which I though very clever :)
ln it simplicity, this movie bring the best of a good visuals, sweet and refreshing story and the chemistry of the main characters.
If Hollywood chick movies didn't satisfied you anymore, try this one !!!Note: original translate from the title, it's supposed to be "A Girl I Know"
Is an uplifting tale of a masterful teacher who put his heart into his work and changed the lives of his students forever. Set in 1940s rural France, at a school of poor boys who are delinquent or orphaned, the story feels timeless in the way that it captures a crucial moments in the lives of the boys involved. From their brutally unfair and abusive headmaster, Rachin and in general, because they feel neglected by theirs families or don't have one at all. Only after their teacher, Clement Mathieau shows them that he will guide them through his music.
This movie was nominated for The best Foreign Movie at the Oscar 2005. Even thought it didn't win, it one of the best movie i ever saw. The story is classic, but touchy, sentimentil but not exaggerated. And of course, these boys sang like an angels. I feel their paint and sorrow through their song, how they seemed moved to the neverland when they did the chorus. And the casts are superbeb! What else can I say, c'est tres maqnifique !! It's classic, and you will watch it over and over again from time to time
The curious incident of the dog in the night timeBy Mark Haddon
Because time is not like space. And when you put something done here somewhere, like a proctator or a biscuit, you can have a map in your head to tell you where you have left it, but even if you don't have a map it will still be there because a map is a representation of things that actually exist so you can find the proctator or the biscuits again. And the timetable is a map of time, except that if you don't have a timetable time is not there like the landing and the garden and the route to school. Because time is only the relationship between the way different things change, like the earth going round the sun and atoms vibrating and clocks ticking and a day and night and waking up and going to sleep, and it is like west or nor-nor east, which won't existings and falls into the sun because it is only a relationship between the North Pole and the South Pole and everywhere else.
And this means that time is a mystery, and not even a thing, and no one has ever solved the puzzle of what time is, exactly. And so, if you gest lost in time it is like being lost in the dessert, except that you can't see the dessert because it is not a thing.
And this is why i like timetable, because they make sure you don't get lost in time.Mark Haddon's bitterly funny debut novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, is a murder mystery of sorts--one told by an autistic version of Adrian Mole. Fifteen-year-old Christopher John Francis Boone is mathematically gifted and socially hopeless, raised in a working-class home by parents who can barely cope with their child's quirks. He takes everything that he sees (or is told) at face value, and is unable to sort out the strange behavior of his elders and peers.
Late one night, Christopher comes across his neighbor's poodle, Wellington, impaled on a garden fork. Wellington's owner finds him cradling her dead dog in his arms, and has him arrested. After spending a night in jail, Christopher resolves--against the objection of his father and neighbors--to discover just who has murdered Wellington. He is encouraged by Siobhan, a social worker at his school, to write a book about his investigations, and the result--quirkily illustrated, with each chapter given its own prime number--is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
courtesy :
Why I like this book so much :
1. It makes me laughed and sad at the same time
2. I love mystery books too
3. And I love solved a mystery too
4. I don't like brown color
5. Even only a little, you start to more understanding these special people
Went to bandung for work this week - from sunday afternoon til thursday. This times, definitely I took train instead of flight :)
This is the first time I took Argo Gede to go to bandung. Surprised, it quite fun - the train was on time, clean but too bad, the two toilets can not be used hehehe
If not, it will be perfect !!
Last time, I took train was a year a go to Cirebon, and that was very awful and traumatic experience and I swear that I will find any way to avoid train...:)
And i love Bandung train station, it's far far better than Jakarta. It's old building and definitely more friendly.
One thing that i can't stand at Bandung - that's way I avoid to go there often - THE FOOOOOD !!!!
Oh my God, oh my dear God, rusak semua diet programs :(
bisa gila makan melulu di sana ..banyak variasi plus murah murah bow
On first night, we - me, retna and my client, Fonita - had dinner at Sapu Lidi, Cihampelas. The place was quite good, cozy and peaceful. The foods were not "wow" but still okeh - or apa kita emang laper yah hehehe
Fonita ordered nasi timbel complete - looks good, Retna ordered soto mie - not so appetizing, while i had bakwan malang - very generous portion.
Monday, Asti and Novi joined w/ us. For lunch, we had Ampera, Sundanesse food. Even the sayur asam (sour soup) color was so weird - merah merah aneh gitu - but quite good, and tempe gorengnya enak banget. Then we had batagor Kingsley for 3 o'clock snacking time. Enakk, I decided to bring some to mas Hima on thursday. Dinner, we went to Atmosphere. The place was very cozy, both indoor or outdoor - perfect space for dating or dinner with friends - and the waitress was friendly and thank you ... quite fast on serving, something that rare here. Cause I still full, I only ordered goulash soup - not so hot and not so good - but ended up we shared our order together hehehe, means I had a few slices of chez omelette - 2 bites of lamb chop - taste lumayan and 4 french fries hehehe
Back to Holiday Inn, i took a long bath in hot water to prepared a long and painful day tomorrow, gosh!
Tuesday, bombardir with sms and calls from office and my lovely media partners :) Little bit screw up while did the research - maap yah Asti !!
Had too many coffee so my maag was kambuh. Lunch, tried soto bandung - clear soto with beansprout, beef, fried soya bean, and soy sauce - it's was good! Dinner at Toko You, always luv the food there, had kodok goreng saus mentega, hmmm yummy banget. Checked email back at hotel and get frustated by the connection - lambreta lamborghini - watched American Idol and thought maybe need to stop by at the office on thursday night or friday. But friday is holiday, not sure that its open, even OB need day off kan
Wednesday, tried segala daya upaya to concentrated - kon-sen-tra-si....God knows I tried.. lunch with the Kupat Tahu. We had dinner @ SIERRA, Jl. Bukit Pakar Timur 33, Telp:(022)251-2240.
It's on the way to The Valley dkk. The place is quite good even the view is not as beautiful as I imagined. The waitress is helpful and seemed had a good knowledge of the menu. The menu is vary, from western, japanesse, and bit of Indonesian. A lot of fresh juices choices, love it !
The food presentation is lovely and appetizing. And the prices, very very very fair, i was speechless !! :p
I was tired, but can not sleep, benci bangetttt kalo gini :(
Finished worked on thursday -- finally, it's so depressing listened to all the respondents life and problems :)and I miss my Jakarta already thanks for Fonita to provide us with amazing dinners there and Mbak Susy who make it happened hehehehe
Friday, went to Carita with temen temen waktu kuliah. We stayed at Lippo Condo. Oh, I love the beach and the smell of the sea. It feels so good, when u open yours eyes in the morning and see the blue sea from your bed and stop thinking of everything.
Back to Jkt on the next day, we tried different route, through Karang Bolong. Stopped by in the middle of the trip, to relaxed at the rice field side.
Realised that we 've been friends for almost 11 years, and closer as always..
LUV YOU all !!!!! :)
JL. Cikini
Near TIM,
in front of Bu Dibyo
My favorite place from Bakul Kopi chains - cuman jauh aja dari rumah. It's old building, remains you of your grandpa fav shop somewhere in small town at central Java. Not so big, has smoking and no smoking section (front). A lot of games - congklak, hallma etc - to play with your friends and selection of magazines.The menu is standard, price moderate - same with others Bakul Kopi, but there is something about the place that I like so muchhh
My perfect time: after dinner or watch movie at TIM, with friends, order vietnamess coffee, chit chat or play games - they open until midnight at friday/saturday -- perfect for hang out
Other recommendation: try "Vietopia" , small vietnamess resto beside Bakul Kopi. I am not into Vietnam food, but I like the food there -- it's great !!