Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Jiffest 2005

One event that I always waiting for is coming in early dec. Jakarta International Film Festival used to be my favorite event to watched an alternative, indie, underground or whatever the name- type of movies. At this event, I watched Iran movies, or korea or europe movies for the first time. But now, actually we can find the dvd of jiffest movies in the store if we really look for it, bajakan sih :). This year movies selections are quiet good. The closing movie - Bride & Prejudice - an india style of Jane Austen's book, pride & prejudice - looks so good (hai, mark darcy !!!). Filipino movies is also make me curious - i hate you cerille for not gave me the free ticket of Bridal Shower hehehehe since it sold out -
but..the main theater is at TIM area which is so farrrrrrrrrrr away from my office. so bye bye..I can't watch jiffest in office days and at weekend I went to Bali also...
so i just wached two movies after I a very long queue for the tickets..maybe next year they have better solution of ticketing problems..because one person can order as much as they can, yang belakang bisa mati tuh nunggunya...
I watched the short movies also..but it's hard for me to understand the story..:)
i can't enjoy short movies hehehehe it's just to short for me...hehehehehe

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