so, here are my tv agenda this month:

Ada 3 versi dari CSI; LAs Vegas, Miami and NY. Gara gara film ini gue tebak profesi ahli forensik dkk pasti jadi naik daun. Cuman ini kan cuman film, ngga ada lah kasus yang selesai cepet banget dan alat alat nya canggih banget buat ngedeteksi crime scene nya, cuman it's so fun to watch :)
Tapi gue paling suka yang Miami. Soalnya gue suka banget ama komandannya, Horatio Caine (David Carusso). Cool, ngga pernah ketahuan lagi bete apa happy and gayanya boss banget hehehehe. Bukan karena gue penggemar David Carusso (aka Detektif John Kelly dari NYPD Blue - serial TV yang ngetop banget beberapa tahun yang lalu) lho. Dan, berhubung lokasinya Miami, ceritanya kadang kadang emosional banget kaya soal pelarian dari Kuba dan penyelundupan ini itu.
The team of Miami-Dade Crime Scene Investigators work in the tropical heat and cultural crossroads of Miami, South Florida. Scouring crime scenes to collect and analyse the evidence, the CSI team is often the only one who can defend the memory of those who cannot speak for themselves - the victims.
Led by former bomb squad detective, Horatio Caine, the Miami-Dade CSI team includes DNA specialist Megan Donner, the former head of the unit who ultimately finds herself in conflict with Caine, whose gut instincts clash with her logical scientific approach. Also on the team are the Southern-belle ballistics expert Calleigh Duquesne, Tim Speedle, the street-smart investigator well versed in trace and impressions evidence, Eric Delko, an underwater recovery expert, and the smart and serious coroner, Alexx Woods.
Kalau yang CSI NY (paling baru), boss nya aktor terkenal Gary Sinise (yang di forrest Gump, Apollo 13 dll) yang cakep banget, bapak bapak ganteng gitulah. Ceritanya juga lumayan asyik, soalnya crime scene nya suka aneh aneh, kaya di sirkus dll. Untuk NY, produser nya Jerry Brucheimer, jadi kebayang dong serunya.
In the gritty city of New York, Detective Mac Taylor (Gary Sinise) leads a team of dedicated CSI agents who view the city in a different light - that of under the microscope. Including his workaholic partner, Detective Stella Bonasera, Mac’s team includes Danny Messe, a Brooklyn-born investigator with a colorful family history, Dr. Sheldon Hawkes, a reclusive coroner, and Aiden Burn, a smart and sexy investigator whose chameleon-like behavior allows her to adapt to any situation at any time.
With the trademark elaborate crime-scene reconstructions, famed micro-photography sequences and compelling storylines brought to you by award-winning blockbuster producer Jerry Bruckheimer, CSI:NY delivers a winning formula with its cutting-edge forensics wrapped in mystery and technological sophistication, magnified for the first time in the city that never sleeps.
Ini malahan cikal bakalan 2 CSI di atas. Cuman gue malah ngga terlalu demen banget, mungkin karena conflict nya selain kerjaan juga banyak emotional antar personnel nya. Kaya soal berantem ama atasan, diskors dll. lebih asyik kalau kasus nya diperbanyak kali yahhh
Gil Grissom (William Petersen) is the 20-year veteran who leads the investigators working the graveyard shift for the Criminalistics Bureau in Las Vegas. His crime lab team includes Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger), a street-smart forensics expert who balances her love for the job with her devotion as a single parent to her young daughter; Warrick Brown (Gary Dourdan), a sharp analyst with a passion for his job, yet with an attraction to gambling he knows he has to beat; Nick Stokes (George Eads), who's got the charm and the chops, and craves the number-one spot on the board for clearing cases; and Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox), Grissom's trusted former co-worker who sometimes plays fast and loose with the rules to get the job done right.
The CSI team works closely with Captain Jim Brass (Paul Guilfoyle), their former chief, now assigned to the homicide division, as well as the eccentric DNA whiz Greg Sanders (Eric Szmanda) and medical examiner Dr. Robbins (Robert David Hall).
** sebagian diambil dari
Gue denger tentang serial ini udah lama lah di majalah majalah. Berhubung yang main cantik cantik, jadi banyak banget beritanya di mana mana, apalagi serial ini mulai pas banget Sex and The City abis masa tayangnya.
Tapi berhubung cerita yang gue baca kebanyakan tentang steamy scene Eva Longoria, and thriller nya lebih banyak ngegambarin the gardener sans kemeja, teri hatcher pakai handuk dll, so gue pikir ini another Melrose Place dong. Apalagi judulnya pakai kata desperate gituh
So, surprise surprise...pas nonton edisi perdananya, ternyata keren banget ceritanya. Complete banget, ada murder, mysteri, love, sex, beautiful woman, and of course beautiful man. Makanya pas banget ditonton cowok (ngelihat yang cantik cantik) dan cewek (problem nya cewekkk bangettt, terutama yang udah married and udah divorce and punya selingkuhan kali yahh hehehehe). Berhubung baru nonton 3 episode, belum bisa cerita banyak. Ntar kalau udah selesai 1 season dibahas lagi deh.
websitenya juga keren;
ada quiz "which housewives are you", downloads section and lumayan kalau penasaran ama ceritanya
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