....as your requested girl !
In Buenos Aires, The Zahir is a common 20-centavo coin, in Gujarat, at the end of the eighteenth century, the Zahir was a tiger, in Java , it was a blind man from Surakarta mosque who was stoned by the faithful; in Persia, an astrolabe that Nadir Shah ordered to be thrown into the sea...
A year later, I wake thinking about the story by Jorge Luis Borges, about something which once touched or seen, can never be forgotten and which gradually so fills our thoughs that we are driven to madness. My Zahir is not a romantic metaphor - a blind man, a compass, a tiger, or a coin. It has a name and her name is Esther.
Stunned by his wife's inexplicable disappearance from their Paris home and immediately suspected of foul play by the authorities and the press, the unnamed protagonist, a best-selling writer, is forced to reexamine both his marital relationship and his own life. What he eventually discovers with the help of a -mysterious stranger named Mikhail--a man he suspects is somehow involved in Esther's disappearance--is that he must first "find himself" before he can ever hope to find his wife. Although Esther is physically and emotionally lost to him, he rediscovers her as he retraces both her footsteps and the disintegration of their visceral connection. Finally able to release the past and his anger, he can accept the uncertainty of the present by traveling to Kazakhstan with Mikhail in search of Esther and the remote possibility of resurrecting a dormant love
(from www.amazon.com)
Reading Paulo Coelho's is like having ice cream in hot sunny day :). It's a story about a man who always though that everything is okey with his marriage then suddenly lost her wife only to find that she is really the center of his universe (kalau lagu jadinya "sometimes Love just ain't enough" + "you don't know what you have until its gone" )
Walau sebenarnya talk about love and possesion, tapi buku ini state clearly, you can't love someone until you love and accept yourself. Kalau pernah baca Celestine Prophecy, buku ini hampir sama konsepnya, bahwa ada satu energi di dunia yang harus kita sadarin dan kita olah to make ourself become a better person. Gue belum baca bukunya Coelho yang Warrior of The Light, karena kayanya ada hubungannya sih bahwa ada suatu energi besar yang akan menuntun kita ke jalan yang benar once we accepted and realised it.
Kalau kita tidak menyadari dan menerima energi tersebut, maka selamanya kita tidak akan pernah bisa mengerti tentang cinta sebenarnya karena kita tidak akan pernah bisa membaca tanda tanda yang ada di sekitar kita. " all men and all women are connected by an energy which many people call love, but which is, in fact, the raw material from which the universe was built. It cannot be manipulated, it leads us gently forwards, it contains all we have to learn in this life. If we try to make it go in the direction we want, we end up desperate, frustated, disillusioned because the energy is free and wild. We could spent the rest of our life saying that we love such a person, when the truth we are suffering, because instead accepting love's strength, we are trying to disminish it so that it fits the world in which we imagine we live"
Yang ada hanyalah kita berusaha hidup mengikuti norma norma yang berlaku di masyarakat, menjadi warga yang baik, menjadi orang yang baik yang sebenarnya membuat kita malah tidak menghargai "cinta". Whe two people get married, they must stay frozen like that for the rest of their lives..the rules don't allow for love to change because its too dangerous. And so, after the enthusiasm of the first few years, they maintain the same distance, the same solidity...your children will only be happy if you stay just as you were...think of your neighbours...smile on the photos .....
My fav quote from the book:
"You want to know if the heart of a man or a woman can contain enough love for more than one person??"
"I think it's perfectly possible as long as one of those people doesn't turn into........a ZAHIR"
DELLA, others Coelho's books yang kudu dibaca:

Buku nya tipis, ngga terlalu tebel, ceritanya juga simple about following your dream. Sekilas kaya buku anak kecil - mirip sama buku pengarang Perancis - Antoine saint Exupery yang judulnya Little Prince. Tapi sebenarnya isinya dalemmmm buangettt dan sangat philosophis. Ini buku Coelho yang (mungkin) paling ngetop sedunia. Salah satu quote dalam buku ini dan ehemmm, gue percaya banget lho kalau bener hehehehe "when you really want something, the whole universe will conspire to help you to find it".
masih banyak insight yang bagus di buku ini, sayangnya lagi dipinjem temen gue, jadi gue ngga bisa ngebahas banyak nih

Satu lagi judulnya "By River Piedra, I Sat Down and Wept". Yang ini asli novel percintaan hehehehe. Subjective banget sih, soalnya gue suka banget translation nya (kerennn), setting nya, ceritanya, sedihnya..Indah banget :p
Ini ceritanya ada satu cewek , Pillar, yang suka banget sama temen kecilnya yang ternyata seorang pendeta. Bahasa nya beautiful bangettttt.....Pokoknya kudu dinikmatin dari hati :p
dear keke and della,
kayanya kita perlu bikin book club nih biar saingan ama Oprah...
gw juga lg rajin baca paulo c. gara2 della nih promosiin 11 minutes..
gw udah order the alchemist sama by the river...
tp bukunya blom sampe soalnya gw order di amazon.com lumayan biar buku bekas tp masih oke dan harganya miring... maklum bokek!!!
oke, selamat membaca!!!!
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