By Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccilo
Writer & consultant from Sex and the City
….Greg and Liz are here to say that despite good intentions –you’re wasting your time. Men are not complicated although they like you to think they are and there are no mix messages girls…the truth maybe HE JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU…
Sering banget kita nih cewek-cewek (mungkin juga cowok) curhat bareng cuman buat nge discuss he love me ..or not..love or not…Gue yakin deh dia suka ama gue tapi blab la bla….suka ngga yah dia ama gue, soalnya gue bingung nih blab la bla…Sound familiar ???
Nah, buku ini hadir buat nampar kita nih and tell the truth when a guy just doesn’t like us enough, so stop wasting our precious time :p
Gue suka banget deh ama si Greg ini, gue tuh ngebayangin dia nih pasti orangnya yang rada rada bitchy gituh deh and sebel banget ngelihat kelakuan cewek cewek yang takut banget bilang hejust not that into me …
Pas gue nonton Oprah, bener lho dia emang rada rada jutex gituh orangnya tapi sumpee pasti dia enak banget dijadiin temen gossip
Di buku ini Greg and Liz kasih contoh kapan sih or tanda tandanya he just not that into us. Oya, format nya asyik banget deh, jadi kaya kolom Tanya jawab di majalah gitu dan comment comment mereka berdua itu bener yang bikin kita malu sendiri, soalnya emang kenyataan nya kita suka ngga terima sih..
he just not that into you, if he’s not asking you out --- men are not afraid of ruining the friendship (catetttt nih), jadi ngga ada tuh alasan nanti merusak persahabatan kita (ceileeeee)
he just not that into you, if he’s not calling you..
“ oh sure, they say they are busy. They say that they didn’t have even a moment in their busy day ti pick up the phone. It was just that crazy. Bullshit. With the cell phone and speed dialing it is almost impossible not to call you. Men are just like us, we like to take a break to talk to someone we like. Which would be a day that I would never be to busy to call you
he just not that into you, if he’s married --- unless he’s all yours, he’s still hers
he just not that into you, if he’s a bully BF, selfish jerk – you already have one asshole, you don’t need another (ouchhh)
he just not that into you, if he’s breaking up with you – simple rules of break up always be classy, never be crazy
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