I just found out in one web (http://www.morbidoutlook.com) that in Japan they have a sub gothic style called Elegant Gothic Lolita (EGL) or just simply known as Gothic Lolita..is a Japanese teen or young adult who dresses in amazingly elaborate Gothic looking babydoll costumes..kerennn bow (look picture above)...This style started from 1999, to make it easier..just imagine Alice in Wonderland meet Victorian Gothic look..the standart look ussually short dress (above knee), baby doll style, puffy , black (but sometimes also white), accessories included knee high tights (with ruffles), and mary janes high heels..But the funny part, this style has nothing to do with Western Gothic Look or influence that I know so far..these girls didn't hear the gothic music and didn't have a connection with Western Gothic influence..their influences are more from Heavy Metal Glam Band like Motley Crue and Kiss..and sorry guys, this style only belong to girls..:)
But my browsing about EGL, lead me to many interesting fact about Gothic/Goth ...Like word Goth itself maybe:
- Came from Germanic VisiGoth tibes that conquer Roman Empire
- An Architecture style that popular in 12th -16th century in western europe
- A litterature style that misterius and gloomy
Now, Gothic is spreading by creating its own sub culture, like:
- Litterature --- Mary Shelley Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Anne Rice Books
- Movies --- Dracula, Nosferatu, The Crow (ohhh Brandon Lee...)
- Fashion: Mohawk, Body piercing, smoke eyes, Christian crucifixes...and black is always beautiful..
- Music --I can only think ...Boy George, The Cure and Marrilyn Manson (although I read that MM is not a gothic follower) Agnes Monica and Andy Riff kayanya hehehehehe
And Gothic is not always connecting with:
- violence, drugs user, depression, like or drink blood, vampire heritage, weirdo, musician, painter, black lover (sometimes they also wear white), satanists, sado-machosists and computer programmer (even mostly is yes - weird fact !!! )
Well... I think I will dress black tomorrow :)
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