Friday, October 15, 2004


Ramadhan starts today...It's a moslem fasting month, a whole month..start from Oct 14 - Nov 11 and at Nov 15-16, they will celebrate hari Raya Lebaran - Idul Fitri..even though I am not a moslem, I can feel the excitement of the Ramadhan rituals around me..
since I lived in Betawi community, so at Sahur time, there is a group of youngster, sing Islamic songs and play some kind of percussion, as wake up call for the neighborhood..
sometimes I also wake up and chat with my mom since my mom always help my pembantu..she is having sahur...

and good things about ramadhan month for me are:
- less macet especially in the morning..hurrrrraaaaiiii !!!! yesterday I spend one and half hour from my office to my home (usually 45 mins), in really really bad traffic..kasian deh gue!!! I ended up naik ojek since I can not stand anymore...god help me!!!

- a lot of traditional foods in the afternoon: kolak pisang & ubi (my favorite), biji salak, bubur sum sum (yummyyyy), risoles kampung...

- no more or at least..decrease the frequency fancy, kalap , junk food, un-healthy lunch..hehehehe...

- my THR is on the way ....yipeeeee!!!!!

Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa buat yang menjalankannya....

1 comment:

ayi_dinarsari said...

aduhh seru yachhh suasana ramadhannya, gw kangen berat makan kolak pisang ama bubur sumsum...gila!!!

gw udah browsing di web, emang film shall we dance yg ini remake dr versi jepang Shall We Dansu? the same production MIramax , thn 1995. Di internet sini dijual juga sih videonya yg versi jepang, tp mehonk bow krn ini barang langka...$50, gile sih pengn bgt nonton versi jepangnya, krn gw liat reviewnya bagus dan pernah diputar sedikit kutipannya di E chanel (tv local). Gw juga udah liat Gere di yg bikin gw exciting nonton SWD adalah krn settingnya di downtown chicago..gitu.