Jiffest 2005
One event that I always waiting for is coming in early dec. Jakarta International Film Festival used to be my favorite event to watched an alternative, indie, underground or whatever the name- type of movies. At this event, I watched Iran movies, or korea or europe movies for the first time. But now, actually we can find the dvd of jiffest movies in the store if we really look for it, bajakan sih :). This year movies selections are quiet good. The closing movie - Bride & Prejudice - an india style of Jane Austen's book, pride & prejudice - looks so good (hai, mark darcy !!!). Filipino movies is also make me curious - i hate you cerille for not gave me the free ticket of Bridal Shower hehehehe since it sold out -
but..the main theater is at TIM area which is so farrrrrrrrrrr away from my office. so bye bye..I can't watch jiffest in office days and at weekend I went to Bali also...
so i just wached two movies after I a very long queue for the tickets..maybe next year they have better solution of ticketing problems..because one person can order as much as they can, yang belakang bisa mati tuh nunggunya...
I watched the short movies also..but it's hard for me to understand the story..:)
i can't enjoy short movies hehehehe it's just to short for me...hehehehehe
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
where love is going when we're not in love each other anymore??? how suddenly we become two stranger when one time we were so madly in love?? how we can hurt someone that at one time we even can't stand to see his/her sad...
i watched in infotainment, a famous celebrity couple who fight, argue, bithcy one to another on their divorce time..i watched my friend raise her kid alone when her ex husband not even bother to call them..i can't be friend to my ex, yes both of them..and not me, but them !! :)
is it just me that feel that way or i dunno know...is it possible to end the relationship and we can still be friend..still can memorised all the fun things we have done..not feel like stranger..try not to hurt each other more..i really hope we can still talk like used to be..
i guess i am not that lucky...
i watched in infotainment, a famous celebrity couple who fight, argue, bithcy one to another on their divorce time..i watched my friend raise her kid alone when her ex husband not even bother to call them..i can't be friend to my ex, yes both of them..and not me, but them !! :)
is it just me that feel that way or i dunno know...is it possible to end the relationship and we can still be friend..still can memorised all the fun things we have done..not feel like stranger..try not to hurt each other more..i really hope we can still talk like used to be..
i guess i am not that lucky...
Tuesday, November 9, 2004
the incredibles
meet mr incredibles's family;
- mr incredibles
- mrs incredibles a.k.a elastigirl
- and the kids: violet, dash and jack jack the baby
the bad boy : syndrome
the loyal friend: frozone
and (this my favorite) the crazy designer : Edna Mode..I can't stop say "Heyyyyy Darlinggggggg" all the time ...... hehehehehe
but this is the best movie from pixar studio, it's very entertaining, great animations, full of actions ..make you want to watch it over and over again..The story is little bit similar like Spy Kids, but in here, mr incredible is forced to leave his "superhero" life after he lost in law suit battle..but once you are super hero you can't stop save people and definetely don't match with insurance company environment :)
surprising me that Syndrome voice is Jason Lee's voice..He is the cute guy who played with Julia Stiles in A Guy Thing..not bad for a guy who always play a sweet character !!! and he also an ex - pro skater..whoaa..what a guy !!!
and I also feel like there is a 60's -70's influences , although i found a similar scene with Spiderman 2 juga sih..Hmmmm..are they gonna meke The Incredibles 2 ??? Hope soooo....
Official site: http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/incredibles/
PS: Tips..avoid to watch in Ci-Tos, especially the night show..you can hear the Score's band play their music in your theater..pusing kan..i dunno how it happened ..but it's absolutely suck !!!

meet mr incredibles's family;
- mr incredibles
- mrs incredibles a.k.a elastigirl
- and the kids: violet, dash and jack jack the baby
the bad boy : syndrome
the loyal friend: frozone
and (this my favorite) the crazy designer : Edna Mode..I can't stop say "Heyyyyy Darlinggggggg" all the time ...... hehehehehe
but this is the best movie from pixar studio, it's very entertaining, great animations, full of actions ..make you want to watch it over and over again..The story is little bit similar like Spy Kids, but in here, mr incredible is forced to leave his "superhero" life after he lost in law suit battle..but once you are super hero you can't stop save people and definetely don't match with insurance company environment :)
surprising me that Syndrome voice is Jason Lee's voice..He is the cute guy who played with Julia Stiles in A Guy Thing..not bad for a guy who always play a sweet character !!! and he also an ex - pro skater..whoaa..what a guy !!!
and I also feel like there is a 60's -70's influences , although i found a similar scene with Spiderman 2 juga sih..Hmmmm..are they gonna meke The Incredibles 2 ??? Hope soooo....
Official site: http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/incredibles/
PS: Tips..avoid to watch in Ci-Tos, especially the night show..you can hear the Score's band play their music in your theater..pusing kan..i dunno how it happened ..but it's absolutely suck !!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
kwak jae young's sunday movies mania..
Korean cinema is progress rapidly, I saw a lot of good movies since the first time I saw "Il Mare" in Jiffest a few years ago..
One of the Korean director that I am familiar with his work is Kwak Jae Yong..maybe you are not know his name but he is the guy behind the legendary hit movie "My Sassy Girl" .. I'm so lucky to have 3 of his work in my DVD collections .. So, if you are a single girl, no date, belum gajian, feel bored to go to mall and shopping (did we ever feel bored ??? hehehehe), just prepare your popcorn, a cup of coffee and enjoy this ride..It's perfect movies to one lazy sunday afternoon...
Starring: Chae Tae Hyun -- Kyun Woo
Jun Ji Hyun -- The Girl
This movie is so fresh, funny and absolutely Kwan's best work so far..It's also became a box office in Korea and some of Asian Countries..The chemistry between Kyun Woo and the girl is so natural and really get our emotions..It's show that Kwan's strenght , and most of Korean movies is romantic-comedy genre..
I especially love Kyun Woo expression..aduh culun abisssss apalagi kalau lagi disiksaaaa hehehehe !!!
The story began when Kyun Woo meet the girl that drunk in the train and he has to take care of her..all the time..cause they keep met each other in coincidence...I also love the ending of this movie, it's happy ending without look so cheesy..And I also like the part when & Kyun Woo & The Girl "visualised" the girl's story and became bounty hunter or action actor..that hillarious !!! The soundtract also perfect with the movie..It's definetely a movie that you will watch over & over again...I heard that Hollywood already bought the right to make a remake .. bout somehow I doubt they will make it as legendary as this Korean version...
Starring: Jun Ji Hyun -- Yeo Kyung Jin
Jang Hyuk -- Ko Myung woo
Many said that this movie is prequel of "My Sassy Girl" ..but for me ini maksaaa abissss..and I wonder what make Kwan made this movie, with the same actress and same mood with MSG..Want to repeat the succes??? Don't think so....First part of the movie is fun but don't expect is the same with MSG, but Jang Hyuk is moreeee cuteeeee than Cha Tae Hyun hehehehee..Kyung Ji is a police officer, a very aggresive one..in a misunderstanding situation, she met with a just-regular guy-not macho type-teacher Myung Woo and finallly the fall in love..Second part of the movies became a melodramatic, sad love story between the two love birds and too exaggerate in every part...ugghhht!!..Don't expect too much on this movies, just enjoy it !!!
Oya, don't miss the final ending, cause Kwan prepare a surprise for us..too bad, me personally didn't like the surprise hehehehe...
Starring: Son Ye Jin -- Ji Hae/ Ju Hie
Jo In Seong -- Sang Min
Cho Seung Woo -- Jun Ho
One thing I realised about Kwan's movies; it's very long like about 2 hour long..and this movie is full with tears, sad first love story, happy love story..not just one story but 2 love story..A love story of Ji Hae and also her mother, 2 generations with almost the same experience of love...even the story is cheesy and very common, cliche in few parts but this movie is beautifully shot and well delivery in every aspect..make a really really sweet movie..

Korean cinema is progress rapidly, I saw a lot of good movies since the first time I saw "Il Mare" in Jiffest a few years ago..
One of the Korean director that I am familiar with his work is Kwak Jae Yong..maybe you are not know his name but he is the guy behind the legendary hit movie "My Sassy Girl" .. I'm so lucky to have 3 of his work in my DVD collections .. So, if you are a single girl, no date, belum gajian, feel bored to go to mall and shopping (did we ever feel bored ??? hehehehe), just prepare your popcorn, a cup of coffee and enjoy this ride..It's perfect movies to one lazy sunday afternoon...
Starring: Chae Tae Hyun -- Kyun Woo
Jun Ji Hyun -- The Girl
This movie is so fresh, funny and absolutely Kwan's best work so far..It's also became a box office in Korea and some of Asian Countries..The chemistry between Kyun Woo and the girl is so natural and really get our emotions..It's show that Kwan's strenght , and most of Korean movies is romantic-comedy genre..
I especially love Kyun Woo expression..aduh culun abisssss apalagi kalau lagi disiksaaaa hehehehe !!!
The story began when Kyun Woo meet the girl that drunk in the train and he has to take care of her..all the time..cause they keep met each other in coincidence...I also love the ending of this movie, it's happy ending without look so cheesy..And I also like the part when & Kyun Woo & The Girl "visualised" the girl's story and became bounty hunter or action actor..that hillarious !!! The soundtract also perfect with the movie..It's definetely a movie that you will watch over & over again...I heard that Hollywood already bought the right to make a remake .. bout somehow I doubt they will make it as legendary as this Korean version...
Starring: Jun Ji Hyun -- Yeo Kyung Jin
Jang Hyuk -- Ko Myung woo
Many said that this movie is prequel of "My Sassy Girl" ..but for me ini maksaaa abissss..and I wonder what make Kwan made this movie, with the same actress and same mood with MSG..Want to repeat the succes??? Don't think so....First part of the movie is fun but don't expect is the same with MSG, but Jang Hyuk is moreeee cuteeeee than Cha Tae Hyun hehehehee..Kyung Ji is a police officer, a very aggresive one..in a misunderstanding situation, she met with a just-regular guy-not macho type-teacher Myung Woo and finallly the fall in love..Second part of the movies became a melodramatic, sad love story between the two love birds and too exaggerate in every part...ugghhht!!..Don't expect too much on this movies, just enjoy it !!!
Oya, don't miss the final ending, cause Kwan prepare a surprise for us..too bad, me personally didn't like the surprise hehehehe...
Starring: Son Ye Jin -- Ji Hae/ Ju Hie
Jo In Seong -- Sang Min
Cho Seung Woo -- Jun Ho
One thing I realised about Kwan's movies; it's very long like about 2 hour long..and this movie is full with tears, sad first love story, happy love story..not just one story but 2 love story..A love story of Ji Hae and also her mother, 2 generations with almost the same experience of love...even the story is cheesy and very common, cliche in few parts but this movie is beautifully shot and well delivery in every aspect..make a really really sweet movie..
Gothic Statement

I just found out in one web (http://www.morbidoutlook.com) that in Japan they have a sub gothic style called Elegant Gothic Lolita (EGL) or just simply known as Gothic Lolita..is a Japanese teen or young adult who dresses in amazingly elaborate Gothic looking babydoll costumes..kerennn bow (look picture above)...This style started from 1999, to make it easier..just imagine Alice in Wonderland meet Victorian Gothic look..the standart look ussually short dress (above knee), baby doll style, puffy , black (but sometimes also white), accessories included knee high tights (with ruffles), and mary janes high heels..But the funny part, this style has nothing to do with Western Gothic Look or influence that I know so far..these girls didn't hear the gothic music and didn't have a connection with Western Gothic influence..their influences are more from Heavy Metal Glam Band like Motley Crue and Kiss..and sorry guys, this style only belong to girls..:)
But my browsing about EGL, lead me to many interesting fact about Gothic/Goth ...Like word Goth itself maybe:
- Came from Germanic VisiGoth tibes that conquer Roman Empire
- An Architecture style that popular in 12th -16th century in western europe
- A litterature style that misterius and gloomy
Now, Gothic is spreading by creating its own sub culture, like:
- Litterature --- Mary Shelley Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Anne Rice Books
- Movies --- Dracula, Nosferatu, The Crow (ohhh Brandon Lee...)
- Fashion: Mohawk, Body piercing, smoke eyes, Christian crucifixes...and black is always beautiful..
- Music --I can only think ...Boy George, The Cure and Marrilyn Manson (although I read that MM is not a gothic follower) Agnes Monica and Andy Riff kayanya hehehehehe
And Gothic is not always connecting with:
- violence, drugs user, depression, like or drink blood, vampire heritage, weirdo, musician, painter, black lover (sometimes they also wear white), satanists, sado-machosists and computer programmer (even mostly is yes - weird fact !!! )
Well... I think I will dress black tomorrow :)
The New Superman
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Brandon James Routh!
Warner Bros. confirmed Friday (Oct. 22) that a relatively unknown soap star will be the next Man of Steel in the upcoming Bryan Singer-directed "Superman" film.
The story of Routh's casting coup hit websites over the past weekend and has been snowballing among comic book aficionados and fansites since.
"It was always my absolute intention to hire an unknown for this role," the film's director, Bryan Singer, said in a statement. "Brandon is an extremely fine actor who possesses the physical qualifications of Clark Kent/ Superman. But he also embodies the legacy and history of this character in a way that makes me certain he's the right choice."
Routh, 25, went out for the role when McG was attached to the project. Standing at 6-foot-2, the actor matches the height of Christian Bale, who beat out contenders to play another DC Comics hero, the Caped Crusader in the upcoming "Batman Begins."
Routh is probably most recognizable from his time on ABC's "One Life to Live" and MTV's "Undressed." He's also made guest appearances on "Gilmore Girls," "Will & Grace," "Cold Case" and "Oliver Beene."
Past contenders for the comic book star include Oscar winner Nicolas Cage, Brendan Fraser, Josh Hartnett, Jim Caviezel and Tom Welling of "Smallville."
From http://www.zap2it.com/movies/news/story
Warner Bros. confirmed Friday (Oct. 22) that a relatively unknown soap star will be the next Man of Steel in the upcoming Bryan Singer-directed "Superman" film.
The story of Routh's casting coup hit websites over the past weekend and has been snowballing among comic book aficionados and fansites since.
"It was always my absolute intention to hire an unknown for this role," the film's director, Bryan Singer, said in a statement. "Brandon is an extremely fine actor who possesses the physical qualifications of Clark Kent/ Superman. But he also embodies the legacy and history of this character in a way that makes me certain he's the right choice."
Routh, 25, went out for the role when McG was attached to the project. Standing at 6-foot-2, the actor matches the height of Christian Bale, who beat out contenders to play another DC Comics hero, the Caped Crusader in the upcoming "Batman Begins."
Routh is probably most recognizable from his time on ABC's "One Life to Live" and MTV's "Undressed." He's also made guest appearances on "Gilmore Girls," "Will & Grace," "Cold Case" and "Oliver Beene."
Past contenders for the comic book star include Oscar winner Nicolas Cage, Brendan Fraser, Josh Hartnett, Jim Caviezel and Tom Welling of "Smallville."
From http://www.zap2it.com/movies/news/story
Monday, October 25, 2004
A Lovely Week
Last week I cut my hair. It's been..hmmm..let me think..about 10 years .. I never had my hair short..its always long, no fringes, and straight like shampoo models in magazines hehehehe..mirip lah..especially in last 2 years, I had it very long and by influenced of F4 or bounding trend, I always kept it straight and ehemmm...well maintained..(more than 2 times/week - blow dry my hair in salon since I can't do it on my own to make sure it rapih, 1/month creambath, special shampoo and conditioner and tonic to be use everyday..imagine that :)
then, out of nowhere, I woke up and look in the mirror and bumm suddenly I want a short hair. And I did it !!! hehehehe. I cut in Japanesse style ( I love their style..), short,fringes on the side, and have a "destructured looks" aka gaya acak-acakan..I cut at Ubud Salon with Firman..I really recommended this place..it's not very expensive (99.000rp with VAT - if with Firman) and Firman is very patience and details on the hair..He cut and blow / style it first and cut again, discussed with us and cut again if we're not satisfied with the result..TOP banget !! Comments for my new hair:
- Keukeu, you change from rural girl (gadis desa) to urban girl (gadis kota) - sadis....its from Ina
- We miss your long hair, short hair is not you -- from my clients
- You look like naughty girl, not like before, you looked cute and sweet -- Mbak Yenny
Studio Ubud
Apartement Brawijaya, 1st Fl
Jl. Brawijaya XII, No 1
Telp: 723-0902, 739-2617
Monday : closed, and Reservation is a must (kalau ngga mau nunggu sampai garing)
Firman HP: 0813-1003-8936
Last week, I also found a good place if you want to buy furnitures with Ikea style (yah..almost the same lah), Its INDEX Furnishings..www.indexfurnishings.com, but the web is not very complete in terms of products display..Better you visit their showroom at Mal Puri Indah, but you can also find some of their products at Ace Hardware..The price is vary, so you can work within the budget..I bought a cute chair to relax and watch TV..and I love it !! Hope they can expand their product variant in the future...
And if you like to free download MP3, I found this site, www.limewire.com.. it's fast and according to my IT guy in the office its less virus and spywire than Kazaa .. ayi, you have to try it girl !!
then, out of nowhere, I woke up and look in the mirror and bumm suddenly I want a short hair. And I did it !!! hehehehe. I cut in Japanesse style ( I love their style..), short,fringes on the side, and have a "destructured looks" aka gaya acak-acakan..I cut at Ubud Salon with Firman..I really recommended this place..it's not very expensive (99.000rp with VAT - if with Firman) and Firman is very patience and details on the hair..He cut and blow / style it first and cut again, discussed with us and cut again if we're not satisfied with the result..TOP banget !! Comments for my new hair:
- Keukeu, you change from rural girl (gadis desa) to urban girl (gadis kota) - sadis....its from Ina
- We miss your long hair, short hair is not you -- from my clients
- You look like naughty girl, not like before, you looked cute and sweet -- Mbak Yenny
Studio Ubud
Apartement Brawijaya, 1st Fl
Jl. Brawijaya XII, No 1
Telp: 723-0902, 739-2617
Monday : closed, and Reservation is a must (kalau ngga mau nunggu sampai garing)
Firman HP: 0813-1003-8936
Last week, I also found a good place if you want to buy furnitures with Ikea style (yah..almost the same lah), Its INDEX Furnishings..www.indexfurnishings.com, but the web is not very complete in terms of products display..Better you visit their showroom at Mal Puri Indah, but you can also find some of their products at Ace Hardware..The price is vary, so you can work within the budget..I bought a cute chair to relax and watch TV..and I love it !! Hope they can expand their product variant in the future...
And if you like to free download MP3, I found this site, www.limewire.com.. it's fast and according to my IT guy in the office its less virus and spywire than Kazaa .. ayi, you have to try it girl !!
Friday, October 15, 2004
Ramadhan starts today...It's a moslem fasting month, a whole month..start from Oct 14 - Nov 11 and at Nov 15-16, they will celebrate hari Raya Lebaran - Idul Fitri..even though I am not a moslem, I can feel the excitement of the Ramadhan rituals around me..
since I lived in Betawi community, so at Sahur time, there is a group of youngster, sing Islamic songs and play some kind of percussion, as wake up call for the neighborhood..
sometimes I also wake up and chat with my mom since my mom always help my pembantu..she is having sahur...
and good things about ramadhan month for me are:
- less macet especially in the morning..hurrrrraaaaiiii !!!! yesterday I spend one and half hour from my office to my home (usually 45 mins), in really really bad traffic..kasian deh gue!!! I ended up naik ojek since I can not stand anymore...god help me!!!
- a lot of traditional foods in the afternoon: kolak pisang & ubi (my favorite), biji salak, bubur sum sum (yummyyyy), risoles kampung...
- no more or at least..decrease the frequency fancy, kalap , junk food, un-healthy lunch..hehehehe...
- my THR is on the way ....yipeeeee!!!!!
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa buat yang menjalankannya....
since I lived in Betawi community, so at Sahur time, there is a group of youngster, sing Islamic songs and play some kind of percussion, as wake up call for the neighborhood..
sometimes I also wake up and chat with my mom since my mom always help my pembantu..she is having sahur...
and good things about ramadhan month for me are:
- less macet especially in the morning..hurrrrraaaaiiii !!!! yesterday I spend one and half hour from my office to my home (usually 45 mins), in really really bad traffic..kasian deh gue!!! I ended up naik ojek since I can not stand anymore...god help me!!!
- a lot of traditional foods in the afternoon: kolak pisang & ubi (my favorite), biji salak, bubur sum sum (yummyyyy), risoles kampung...
- no more or at least..decrease the frequency fancy, kalap , junk food, un-healthy lunch..hehehehe...
- my THR is on the way ....yipeeeee!!!!!
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa buat yang menjalankannya....
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
food navigator - SUMPIT
Dharmawangsa Square Ground Floor
Jl. Darmawangsa VI & IX, Jakarta Selatan
Another famous noodle house in Jakarta..the space is not very big, so watch out during busy lunch time
Reservation is available..there is non smoking & smoking area, the table is quite cozy, the waitress is smile a lot, and ohhh the most important.. the food come fast..i mean verrryyy fast, even my main course come before the appetizer hit the table :)
Drinks: selection of tea (hot & Ice -- green tea, thai tea ice tea), and too-bad not-fresh juices...
Lumpia mayonaisse is the main favorite for appetizer, although I can't tell the diferent beetwen Lumpia Sumpit and Chopstik..Look and taste the same for me..:)
Main course came in a large portion..I order Mie Goreng Seafood, taste ok lah...but so many vegetables in a tiny amount of noodles...hehehehe, my friend order Nasi goreng oriental..so so..and they can improve the look I think..and my other friend order Nasi Ayam Kung Pao..very good she said...Across my table, someone order Laksa .. looks so yummyyy...I will order it next time hehehehe
Price: fair..drinks around 5000 rp - 9000 rp..appetizer from 9000 rp and main course around 15000 rp
VAT 10%, but no service charge
Dharmawangsa Square Ground Floor
Jl. Darmawangsa VI & IX, Jakarta Selatan
Another famous noodle house in Jakarta..the space is not very big, so watch out during busy lunch time
Reservation is available..there is non smoking & smoking area, the table is quite cozy, the waitress is smile a lot, and ohhh the most important.. the food come fast..i mean verrryyy fast, even my main course come before the appetizer hit the table :)
Drinks: selection of tea (hot & Ice -- green tea, thai tea ice tea), and too-bad not-fresh juices...
Lumpia mayonaisse is the main favorite for appetizer, although I can't tell the diferent beetwen Lumpia Sumpit and Chopstik..Look and taste the same for me..:)
Main course came in a large portion..I order Mie Goreng Seafood, taste ok lah...but so many vegetables in a tiny amount of noodles...hehehehe, my friend order Nasi goreng oriental..so so..and they can improve the look I think..and my other friend order Nasi Ayam Kung Pao..very good she said...Across my table, someone order Laksa .. looks so yummyyy...I will order it next time hehehehe
Price: fair..drinks around 5000 rp - 9000 rp..appetizer from 9000 rp and main course around 15000 rp
VAT 10%, but no service charge
eleven minutes
i just finished Paulo Coelho latest novel "Eleven Minutes". This is my second book from the author, I read "By The River Piedra, I Sat Down & Wept" last week accompany by great sea view in Dreamland Bali..and that book really took my breath away..So I decided to look for another tittle in Jakarta..
Eleven Minutes also great book, even I prefer The River Piedra more than this..Is a story of woman who look for a love of her life in a very dark world, prostitute world..It's amazing how Coelho can describe a woman feeling toward sex and love so intense like he was a woman :) and how he shared the man's secret to all woman in the world; why men have to pay for sex..hehehehe.. The tittle is refer to the time actually a prostitute spend with her client..minus taking off clothes, some phony gestures, conversation, dressing up again, the amount time spent actually having sex is about eleven minutes...gosh, never crossed my mind before !!
this book also talk about desire, passion, and love..The first part of Maria's life it's really close to what happened in Jakarta I think, how a young girl can get trapped into this business..The low part in this book for me is the ending, remains me of Pretty Woman movies when everything end happily ever after .. But maybe it's good if this book will be make to a movie one day :)
One part of the book is saying that Freedom only exist when love is present. The person who gives him/herself wholly, the person who feels freest, is the person who loves most wholeheartedly. and the person who loves wholeheartedly feels free..In love no one can harm anyone else; we are each of us responsible for our own feelings and cannot blame someone else for what we feel. ..Now, though, I am convinced that no one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it.
Long before, I heard one of Alanis Morisette song "loving someone can actually feel like freedom" and I keep wondering and wondering, how come?? If we love someone --- equal with commitment..commitment means no freedom..Now, I understand why Miss Morisette sang that song...
Eleven Minutes also great book, even I prefer The River Piedra more than this..Is a story of woman who look for a love of her life in a very dark world, prostitute world..It's amazing how Coelho can describe a woman feeling toward sex and love so intense like he was a woman :) and how he shared the man's secret to all woman in the world; why men have to pay for sex..hehehehe.. The tittle is refer to the time actually a prostitute spend with her client..minus taking off clothes, some phony gestures, conversation, dressing up again, the amount time spent actually having sex is about eleven minutes...gosh, never crossed my mind before !!
this book also talk about desire, passion, and love..The first part of Maria's life it's really close to what happened in Jakarta I think, how a young girl can get trapped into this business..The low part in this book for me is the ending, remains me of Pretty Woman movies when everything end happily ever after .. But maybe it's good if this book will be make to a movie one day :)
One part of the book is saying that Freedom only exist when love is present. The person who gives him/herself wholly, the person who feels freest, is the person who loves most wholeheartedly. and the person who loves wholeheartedly feels free..In love no one can harm anyone else; we are each of us responsible for our own feelings and cannot blame someone else for what we feel. ..Now, though, I am convinced that no one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it.
Long before, I heard one of Alanis Morisette song "loving someone can actually feel like freedom" and I keep wondering and wondering, how come?? If we love someone --- equal with commitment..commitment means no freedom..Now, I understand why Miss Morisette sang that song...
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
a new start
well, finally i have my own blog....:), my sis blog inspired me to have one also..you can visit her blog at ayikrisda@blogspot.com, i am not really like to write actually, but who knows??? hehehehe
well, honestly, i am a kind of person that really enthusiastic in the first place and get bored easily after that..but, i will try, really really try to update this blog regularly..finger crossed !!! :)
I gotta run now..my office held a farewell party to my bule boss..i am not really in the mood now, usually i liked party and heboh heboh with my colleagues, but today is not my day i guess...
i just wanna go home...
well, honestly, i am a kind of person that really enthusiastic in the first place and get bored easily after that..but, i will try, really really try to update this blog regularly..finger crossed !!! :)
I gotta run now..my office held a farewell party to my bule boss..i am not really in the mood now, usually i liked party and heboh heboh with my colleagues, but today is not my day i guess...
i just wanna go home...
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